5 Questions To Ask When Hiring An RESP Broker

When it comes to hiring an RESP Broker, you need to make sure that you are asking them all the necessary questions so you can make sure that you’re going with the right one.

Remember, there are so many things that you need to do and prioritize when you’re investing such a huge amount of money, which is why when hiring an RESP Broker Calgary, it is important to take your time and ask them all the necessary questions before you make a big decision. 

If you have no idea what to ask, don’t worry, we got you.

Below, in this blog, we have listed down some of the most important things that you need to ask when you’re hiring an RESP broker. 

5 Questions To Ask When Hiring An RESP Broker 

Here are some questions that you need to ask an RESP broker before you hire them: 

  1. How much experience do you have?

The first thing that you need to know is how much experience an RESP broker has before you hire them.

Remember, when you hire someone, you hire them because of the experience that they have, considering that they can guide you and can make the entire process of hiring someone profitable. 

  1. How can you help me?

Not only the experience, you also need to know how they can help you out once you hire them.

Remember, not a lot of brokers are actually capable of doing what they promise once they’ve been hired, which is why try to go with someone that’s actually capable of doing what they promise. 

  1. Will you guide us? 

Without proper guidance, you will be in the dark, which is why you need to make sure that you hire an RESP broker that’s actually capable of helping you out.

So before you hire a broker, try to know how they’re capable of guiding you! 

  1. How many accounts do you handle? 

Saving plans are hard to handle, which is why it is important to go with a broker that’s capable of handling multiple accounts with ease.

This can give you the assurance of going with someone that’s actually capable of doing the job.

  1. Will you offer after-investment guidance? 

A lot of RESP brokers stop offering services once you hire them or after you have set up an account, and you want to avoid that.

Every single time something new arrives in the market, it is important that someone updates you about it, which is why hiring a broker that offers after-investment guidance is a must! 

Do you think we missed out on anything important in the things that you need to ask when hiring an RESP broker? Let us know what we missed out on by leaving a comment in the comments section below!


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